The disconnect:
By far the most commonly noted stressor at the organisation level was a disconnect between distantly-located personnel (management, governance, head offices, funding bodies...) and the local reality. This mismatch of understanding was the cause of a great deal of frustration and distress.
Considerable effort and energy can be expended by supporters in attempting to increase the understanding of those based elsewhere.
People who work in the affected areas but are not living it and go back at the end of the day, for example, insurance assessors where their office is based in a location where their boss or team has no idea. They arrive back into their slick air-conditioned office where they talk about KPIs and have no idea... Kate Brady – Australian Red Cross
Senior management and governance? They have no clue. They need to know what's going on. No, they need to care what's going on. Some who don't know might care if they knew, others wouldn't care even if they knew. They look at the big picture and something they don't see is that the smaller picture is important – sometimes more important. Scott Kemins - Building Commissioner, Long Island
I would imagine as well that it would take a great deal of patience and diplomacy, which we know everyone is a bit short of during this time, to sit in meetings with people who have no freaking idea and to work constructively. Kate Brady – Australian Red Cross